The Secret Chronicles of Baby #2

Mommy Blogging since 2004. I have a 1.5-year-old son, Big Boy #1, conceived and birthed naturally. I am trying to conceive Baby #2, but I don't want to tell anybody. Anybody but you.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Like Butter

I'm sorta kinda starting to take this pregnancy seriously. Okay, I've done so the whole time, but it doesn't feel REAL yet. I am much more cautious about it than before because of blogs. BLOGS, damn you! I've read and cried and laughed and learned so very very much from them over the last two years. There is SO much more that can go wrong than I was ever aware of.

I know I should appreciate this embryo for its individual nature, but it's very natural for me to compare this pregnancy to my last one. Therefore, let's compare.

Last time: I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks along. My symptoms were sore boobs that actually looked bigger, fatigue, voracious appetite, weight gain.

This time: no symptoms. I jumped the gun and took those HPT's after the 2ww.

Last time: Flooded with optimism and curiosity, I read everything I could find and started looking for baby supplies right away. I wanted to tell everybody I knew but we kept it secret until 12 weeks. I had absolute unshakeable certainty that everything would work out fine.

This time: I have much more knowledge. I know that I can get to my 8 week prenatal exam and there can be no heartbeat. I don't know how likely it is to happen to me, but the fact that it CAN happen scares me. So I wanted to tell my family and close friends because if it goes awry, I want those people to lean on.

Besides the bizarre appetite followed by eating something weird followed by nausea, I try not to think about the pregnancy. I am planning to have a baby, yes, but I am trying to keep my mind off of the Things That Can Go Wrong. However, this week I started having my husband lather my boobs and belly with The Body Shop's Cocoa Butter Body Butter, because I did that last time, and I didn't get any stretch marks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...this week I started having my husband lather my boobs and belly with The Body Shop's Cocoa Butter Body Butter, because I did that last time, and I didn't get any stretch marks."

Yes.. but you got another baby.:-)

7:35 AM  

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